Duck Call!

Calling all midwest Ducks!

I've just applied for a booth at Makerfaire Chicago (, and I'd like to find 4 other ducks (for a total of 6) to show off their boats for the weekend at Maker Faire.

I (and my friend) have each committed to finishing #997 and #998 by Apr 22. We went 3D last year, but got side-tracked. Now we're on our way to being done so that we have something to show.

We don't know how much space we have yet, and I suspect the number of boats we can get committed will have an effect on how much space will be alotted.

So send me an email if you want to participate! Time is short! Shake a tailfeather!

Picture 1

This Event Was Organize By:
Dan Locks #998 (1ar)

Keywords For This Article:
pdr_flotilla   raid   makerfaire